News about Dorothy
We have many sick children in our care. One of them is Dorothy, a fragile 14-year old with TB. She is extremely sick and so sad she refused to eat, take medication, or talk about her sorrows.
We have many sick children in our care. One of them is Dorothy, a fragile 14-year old with TB. She is extremely sick and so sad she refused to eat, take medication, or talk about her sorrows.
KITCHEN UPDATE For a long time, House of Hope has struggled with an inadequate kitchen. The generosity of a benefactor has allowed up to make much-needed improvements. These included tiling the floor, adding new propane cooking burners, and painting the walls. We still have to find and purchase stainless steel counters
It has continued to rain almost constantly since Hurricane Matthew. This has caused flooding in many areas. One of our trees fell, but fortunately not on House of Hope. We chopped it up to have fuel for cooking. We have also welcomed more children to House of Hope. Many of these children are ill and
Friends of Humanity volunteers are busy packing relief supplies for House of Hope and Beraca Medical Center in northwest Haiti. But we still need financial help to pay for shipping to Port-au-Prince and then overland to northwest Haiti.
Linda, the director of House of Hope, asked us to forward news to you about how we have fared after the hurricane. The kids are all doing well. They are in school and life seems pretty much back to normal. The only fallout for us from the big hurricane that went through has been receiving
Save the date: Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 3 to 5 PM Where: Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall Tickets: $10 at the door plus if possible bring a bag of rice or beans We are working to support those in needs, including the children who struggle, not having their needs met, in order to