Save the date: Saturday, November 5, 2016 from 3 to 5 PM
Where: Miami Shores Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall
Tickets: $10 at the door plus if possible bring a bag of rice or beans
We are working to support those in needs, including the children who struggle, not having their needs met, in order to survive. House of Hope in La Pointe, Haiti is an orphanage that takes in children with no questions asked, nurtures these young ones with love and food until a time when their parents or other relatives can support them or the become young adults and are ready to live on their own.
House of Hope sustains itself completely on donations and charity from individuals, churches, and philanthropic organizations. We are partnering with Central Presbyterian Church, which also supports HOH. Together, we are working to buy and ship to HOH new plates, cups, bowls, forks, and spoons so that each child will have the proper utensils for a meal. The ticket cost of $10 will be used to cover the cost of these items. If you would like to make a love gift to purchase any of these items, please see below.
Come to the Tea and enjoy hearing from our Missions team on this important ministry and the amazing stories of hope. Artwork by the children will be displayed and will be for sale. All proceeds will go to HOH for care of the children.
Wish List
- Plates $2.66 each need 100 $266 total
- 12 oz. cups $3.99 need 40 $160 total
- 18 oz. cups $3.91 need 40 $157 total
- Forks $0.81 need 100 $81 total
- Sm. Spoons $0.68 need 100 $68 total
- Lg. Spoons $0.71 need 100 $71 total
- Serving Bowls $28 need 4 $112 total
The above costs do not include shipping to use or to Haiti.
With almost 100 children to feed each day, the items must be of good quality that will last and stand up to heavy use. In addition to these items, food (including dry rice and beans in small bags) is greatly appreciated. Please bring any items you wish to donate to the Tea or leave in advance in the church office. We prefer bags versus cans as they are less weight to ship to Haiti.
Presbyterian Women will continue with other projects in support of HOH. We will let you know their immediate needs and share them with you.