Friends of Humanity is now on Amazon Smile. This means when you use the link below or go to and sign up, we get ½ cent for every dollar spent on eligible purchases (ten million items).

While this may not sound like much, it adds up… and it is a painless way for you to support us.

With the holiday just around the corner, you are probably gift shopping. Please consider Amazon for your online purchases.

Here’s how to use Amazon Smile:

You need to have an Amazon email sign-in account.

1) Use the link below and sign in with your existing Amazon account or create a new account. Friends of Humanity will automatically be your charity of choice. When you shop, you will need to sign in to Amazon Smile instead of plain

This is the link>

2) If you do not want to use the link below, you can go directly to and choose us as your charity. You have to search for us… use “Friends of Humanity” and then choose the one in Miami. After that, we are your charity whenever you shop on Amazon Smile.

Please login to Amazon Smile when you shop… we do not get credit for “non-Smile” purchases.

Share Us

You can also share your purchases on Facebook… which spreads the word among your friends. We know Amazon does this to get “free” advertising… but it is a win-win because we get donations and you get the purchases you want.

1) Add this link to your email or in Facebook… it will take people directly to the page to sign up for Friends of Humanity as their charity of choice on Amazon Smile.